
Can you immediately find the correct version of your procedures, instructions or forms? Does keeping them up-to-date constitute an administrative burden? Are documents always approved before they are distributed? Difficulty tracing differences between versions? VCA-Online provides you with an all-in-one solution: create, approve, share and manage documents!

VCA-Online library

VCA-Online was developed based on years of experience as prevention advisors and auditors. We used this experience to develop clear documents, checklists, templates, etc. that fully comply with the SCC standard while also ensuring that they are easy to use.

How can you use our digital expertise? Download the procedures, instructions, forms, toolboxes, checklists, etc. you need from our VCA-Online library with just one click – and personalize them immediately to meet your needs.

VCA-Online preview bibliotheek toolboxopties

Create and manage

Create and edit

Create and edit your documents directly in VCA-Online, where the software automatically adds the publication date, expiry date, version, author, etc. Changes are easily identified through the “track changes” functionality, which immediately creates a new version of the document and archives the existing version.

Version management

An update to your policy statement, emergency plan, purchasing requirements, etc.? Thanks to automated version management, you keep control over publications at all times. Employees are directly notified whenever a new version of an important document is released and always have access to the latest version available.

Search function

Avoid the hassle of searching for a document in heavy folders and cluttered shared folders by managing your documents digitally in VCA-Online. Our search function provides you with a convenient overview of all documents that match your search criteria.

VCA-Online preview documentenoverzicht app smartphone

Approve and share

The approval flow ensures that documents can only be published after they have been approved by an authorised employee.

Share documents with team members, customers, suppliers and partners in a matter of seconds. With our app, employees can easily access checklists, toolboxes, certificates, SDSs etc. at home or on site. Everyone always has access to the latest available version of a document – no more misunderstandings about what the correct procedure is!

VCA-Online preview documentenoverzicht app smartphone

Approve and share

The approval flow ensures that documents can only be published after they have been approved by an authorised employee.

Share documents with team members, customers, suppliers and partners in a matter of seconds. With our app, employees can easily access checklists, toolboxes, certificates, SDSs etc. at home or on site. Everyone always has access to the latest available version of a document – no more misunderstandings about what the correct procedure is!

All documentation, no loss of time

Discover it for yourself in a free demo.

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