Risk management

The Codex on Well-being at Work (Belgian law) requires the employer to implement a Dynamic Risk Management System (DRBS). The foundation of this DRBS is the global prevention plan, the annual action plans and the risk analyses from which prevention measures related to the 7 well-being domains are taken. Identify, evaluate and manage the risks within your organization with the help of VCA-Online and get an overview of your biggest risks.

Risk analyses

Define the risks of your operational activities in a HSE risk inventory and evaluation (RIE). Identify hazards based on a ready-made checklist. Do you prefer the Kinney & Fine method or a risk matrix for the risk assessment? VCA-Online supports your methodology of choice.

Define measures for high-risk hazards, taking into account the prevention hierarchy. Immediately link personal protective equipment (PPE).

Create HSE plans and quickly search your TRA database for relevant risks. There, you can generate Task Risk Analyses (TRA) for specific risks related to projects in no time. Follow a fixed methodology to determine and assess your risks.

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Global prevention plan (GPP) & yearly action plans (YAP)

The DRBS requires employers to conduct their prevention policy in a systematic and planned manner. After the risk analysis has been carried out, the prevention measures are laid down in the global prevention plan (GPP) and the corresponding yearly action plans (YAP).

The Global Prevention Plan (GPP) includes all prevention activities that the company plans to carry out over the next five years, taking into account the size of the company and the nature of the risks associated with the company’s activities. In VCA-Online you quickly and completely compose your GPP with the help of a checklist from our library, which was created based on current legislation and your standard. Go through the checklists and define preventive measures.

Once the overall prevention plan is finished, you specify these measures in Yearly Action Plans (YAP). Here, you determine the prevention measures that should be implemented during that year in greater detail. Guarantee the follow-up of these measures by assigning tasks to colleagues and setting deadlines.

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Last Minute Risk Analysis (LMRA)

With the help of our user-friendly app, you ensure that your employees can easily complete their LMRAs via their smartphone or tablet. Know at a glance which employees have performed an LMRA, when and where this happened and how many problems and unsafe situations were reported.

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Last Minute Risk Analysis (LMRA)

With the help of our user-friendly app, you ensure that your employees can easily complete their LMRAs via their smartphone or tablet. Know at a glance which employees have performed an LMRA, when and where this happened and how many problems and unsafe situations were reported.

Also want to manage your risks digitally?

Discover it for yourself in a free demo.

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