Incident management

Had enough of incidents not being reported in time? With VCA-Online, employees or their supervisors can immediately report unsafe situations, incidents and/or accidents from any workplace.

vca-online incidentmelding schuin in hand

Reporting and Documenting

Eliminate the administrative burden of paper incident reports with our easy-to-use app. Report an incident with just one click, immediately describing the situation, adding images, and linking to locations or projects. Instantly create tasks and identify involved parties (witnesses, victims).

As soon as an employee reports an incident, your supervisors, prevention advisor and HSE officer are immediately notified thanks to the automatic notification system.

Define categories and subcategories to manage your incident reports clearly. This way, the workflow expands as the severity of the incident increases and you always meet all legal obligations and standard requirements.

Cause analysis and reporting

Determine immediate actions, perform cause analysis and decide on follow-up actions such as the creation of a supplier complaint. The software ensures you are always reminded to re-evaluate the risk analyses (RA), so that these are always kept up-to-date – in accordance with the SCC requirements.

Define lessons learned, plan toolboxes and inform all relevant parties directly with the automatically generated investigation report.

No need to waste time creating and updating graphs. Monitor your safety policy in real time: Heinrich’s pyramid / the safety pyramid, the total number of reports per month, the frequency rate, the severity rate, etc. – even across multiple sites!

VCA-Online preview dashboard incidenten laptop

Cause analysis and reporting

Determine immediate actions, perform cause analysis and decide on follow-up actions such as the creation of a supplier complaint. The software ensures you are always reminded to re-evaluate the risk analyses (RA), so that these are always kept up-to-date – in accordance with the SCC requirements.

Define lessons learned, plan toolboxes and inform all relevant parties directly with the automatically generated investigation report.

No need to waste time creating and updating graphs. Monitor your safety policy in real time: Heinrich’s pyramid / the safety pyramid, the total number of reports per month, the frequency rate, the severity rate, etc. – even across multiple sites!

VCA-Online preview dashboard incidenten laptop

Looking to gain more control over incidents as well?

Discover it for yourself in a free demo.

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