HSE project plan

The HSE project plan is an obligation for the SCC** and SCC-petrochemical certification. Don’t know how to tackle this or does it often involve a lot of work? With VCA-Online you quickly and effortlessly draw up (HSE) project plans that always comply with the standard. 

Compiling an HSE project plan

VCA-Online guides you through all the requirements of an HSE project plan; project-specific HSE risks, the measures to be taken, HSE organisation, organisation of HSE inspections and incident reporting.

Personal protective equipment (PPE), work equipment, emergency plans, (hazardous) products, regulations, etc. are all conveniently kept in one digital folder per project.

In just a single click, you get an overview of all workplace inspections (WPI), incident reports, complaints… that are related to the project. Need more info? No problem, you are immediately taken to the right place in the software for further analysis!

VCA-Online preview projectplan tablet

Compiling an HSE project plan

VCA-Online guides you through all the requirements of an HSE project plan; project-specific HSE risks, the measures to be taken, HSE organisation, organisation of HSE inspections and incident reporting.

Personal protective equipment (PPE), work equipment, emergency plans, (hazardous) products, regulations, etc. are all conveniently kept in one digital folder per project.

In just a single click, you get an overview of all workplace inspections (WPI), incident reports, complaints… that are related to the project. Need more info? No problem, you are immediately taken to the right place in the software for further analysis!

VCA-Online preview projectplan tablet
VCA-Online preview projectplan app smartphone

Consult anywhere

Ensure that all parties involved (clients, main contractors and subcontractors) can consult the HSE project plan by sending an e-mail directly from VCA-Online – and even indicate which parts you want to send (or not).

Have you made any changes to the plan? The adjusted version is immediately available to all parties concerned in VCA-Online; this way your HSE plan always remains up-to-date!

Using our mobile app, you easily create transparency per project about responsibilities, PPE, hazards, emergency plans, regulations, etc. for your employees and those of your subcontractors.

Want to benefit from clear up-to-date HSE project plans?

Discover it for yourself in a free demo.

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